Crypto Currency Price Module

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This code features multiple data sources as well as a design that allows easy adding for further data sources. With this code, you'll be able to get the latest pricing data from multiple sources and provide more accurate results for your customers. Additionally, you'll be able to monitor the changing market value of your list of coins, track your portfolio performance and make informed decisions for your business. This project provides a comprehensive solution for your cryptocurrency related tasks and can be easily integrated into your existing projects. Features: - Get pricing data from multiple sources - Monitor the changing market value of your list of coins and track portfolio performance - Easy integration with existing projects - Provide more accurate results to customers - Supports API keys for user authentication - Detailed documentation for easy implementation Crypto Currency Price Module This project is designed to solve the problem of getting crypto currency pricing data in your solution and doing so robustly. Using a nice and simple to use java workflow. Easy to implement and add or combine with any existing project. Most services and solutions rely on one data source for their data, meaning one point of failure.

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  • 📁 Crypto Currency Price Module

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Reviews and Ratings
Mar 25, 2021
I bought 3 crypto products from the same seller and it's amazing. all of them are very good.
Aug 5, 2021
i am new in bitcoin and i am finding it bit intersting to undertand and use. code is well commented. nice user guide.
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